The Hastings display of Max Emerson

Somewhat elusive in the video, the Hastings arc shows up better in this unsharp masked screenshot. Simulation (using HaloSim) by Patrik Trncak indicates many other rare halos as well. And of course, the display itself is outstanding in its brightness and clarity.
Whats going here? seems like Hastings arc is increasing its appearance I thought it was restricted to the south pole
My guess is that many of the rare halos - even of the "extmerely rare" - will suffer inflation. People are getting more aware of halos and digital cameras are often there to recored the displays. I think also that awarness of ski resort halos will increase as well, and that means again more great displays.
There was a snow machine operating at the time of this display.
Same was during the Stockholm display, Mats Mattsson informed.
Have snow machines changed (for example, some now use bacteria strains as seeds) or are they just being used more (or both!)?
I see it's the people that have changed. The arrival of pocket digital cameras and ease of distributing photos in a minute though internet.
Sure there can be also changes in snow machines use.
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