A horrendously quiet April passed by without any noteworthy action (except Jarmo's fantastic bolid halo). Halo people were awakened from oblivion on 5th May, when a smooth cirrostratus veil crept in from west and offered plate crystals and odd radii halos. The display was seen and photographed by
Ismo Luukkonen in Turku,
Marko Riikonen in Helsinki (photo on the right by Marko) and
Jukka Ruoskanen in Riihimäki.
Most likely all odd radius halos were on the sky, of which 9, 18, 20 and 35 degree halos were easily discernible. The 22-24 region may have consisted of all three possible rings. Also few of the odd radius plate arcs were present, although rather poorly.
Absolutely amazing display. I wish to see similar one too.
I got some pics from this display in Kemiö, at the southern coast of Finland. Unfortunately I was fishing the whole day, and couldn't get any pics for stacking. Here are some single frames:
18 deg plate arcs, 18 degree halo, a propable 9 degree halo,
almost complete parhelic circle and
22 and 46 deg halos, and upper tangent arc. The arc above the tangent arc is a result of image enhancing, as the photo 15 seconds earlier doesn't show it. So no sunvex Parry...
Nevertheless, a nice day to be outdoors :-) The 22 deg halo, parhelia and fragments of parhelic circle were visible almost all the day.
That is a nice odd radius halo stack. I have the registax program but I do NOT know how to use it.
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